CCU promotes livelihood development for vulnerable groups including promoting climate smart farming practices.
CCU trains local communities in enterprise development, handcraft making, booking keeping, and economic development
CCU supports afforestation, adaption, and works with Government of Uganda to conserve wild life , habitants, and fight poaching
Funded by the Obama Foundation’s Girls Opportunities Alliance, our project employs three key strategies to empower adolescent girls in Uganda:
Funded by the Swiss Irene Staehelin Foundation (IMS) and in consortium with War Child Alliance, this project focuses on reducing psychological distress among children in Uganda through integrated Mental Health and Psychosocial Support (MHPSS) services. Key interventions include TeamUp, ReachNow, Early Adolescent Skills for Emotions (EASE), and BeThere, tailored for children aged 11-16 in schools and communities.
Funded by Girls First Fund (USA), this project by Community Consortium Uganda (CCU) combats child marriage, particularly among refugees from the Democratic Republic of Congo. Through the Theatre for Change (T4C) approach, CCU empowers women, girls, and children to resist and speak out against child marriages, fostering community ownership and leadership among adolescents.
CCU works with and for individuals with mental illness through sports for change approaches. CCU has 10 years of experience in coordinating sports for change programs through football, netball, and other field games to deliver community-based initiatives in public health, mental health awareness and women empowerment. Together with our partners we share space for idea incubation, exchange experts, experiences on strategic sports interventions that address social barriers like stigma, discrimination and all forms of violence. CCU has carried out programs in Kyaka II, Wakiso, Kampala, Kyegegwa, and Entebbe. Checkout these four-step sports program in the ORASS Flyer.
Our expertise lies in building and nurturing data ecosystems that are inclusive, collaborative, and impactful.
Our Approach: At Community Consortium Uganda, we recognize that data is a powerful tool for driving informed decision-making, policy formulation, and resource allocation. Our approach revolves around creating an inclusive data ecosystem that involves diverse stakeholders, from local communities to government bodies, non-profit organizations, academia, and the private sector.
CCU uses innovative play approaches that enable children especially marginalized children including refugees and children with learning disabilities to improve their numeracy and literacy skills while addressing their mental and psychological needs. CCU uses Learning through play approaches that include the use transformative and educative plays to teach and improve the literacy and numeracy skills for children.
CCU also uses Play therapy approaches that promotes and allows children to express their feelings, thoughts, and experiences through their natural desire to play while addressing their mental and psychosocial needs.
Finally, CCU equips parents and caregivers with playful parenting skills to enable them to address the needs of their children. Through the play approaches, CCU has reached more than 50,000 children in Uganda.
This is an innovative signature approach of Theatre for change (T4C) that creates transformative and educative theatre to create behaviour change and converge messages in form of participatory singing and drama to enable women, children, and girls in Uganda to find their voice and assert their rights, particularly in their sexual and reproductive health rights. We use a unique combination of drama and participatory learning to help vulnerable women and girls build their confidence, find their voice and assert their rights. In Uganda, CCU has used the T4C approach including Kyaka II Refugee Settlement with Funding from the Girls First Fund (Geneva Global).
CCU has expanded its focus to counter the growing misinformation and conspiracy theories around COVID-19.
We currently provide online based resources on factual information relating to vaccine safety and benefits. Once the pandemic restrictions are lifted, we shall scale our campaign efforts of fighting misinformation through our grassroots networks of community based village health workers and frontline community leaders that we currently work with.
The COVID-19 pandemic represents a substantial challenge to global human well-being including strong effects on the health systems, food security, livelihoods, and overall well-being. Unfortunately, however, misinformation about COVID-19 has proliferated, including on social media and among the local population. At its extreme, death can be the tragic outcome of what the World Health Organization has termed the infodemic, an overabundance of information — some accurate, some not — that spreads alongside a disease outbreak. False information runs the gamut, from discrediting the threat of COVID-19 to conspiracy theories that vaccines could alter human DNA. CCU works with the Uganda Ministry of health and local stakeholders to fight COVID-19 miss information.
CCU supports life saving health interventions to refugees and vulnerable communities.
Our work ranges from rebuilding health systems through our innovating health system building approaches, supporting community health through our signature community health model, delivering primary healthcare and emergency treatment, technical assistance to the Ministry of health, supporting data analytics, health promotion and provision of health services in the areas of Malaria, HIV/AIDS, TB, communicable and non communicable diseases.
We agree. And we know that healing doesn’t just address only the soul or only the body. It is important to us that all facets and needs of the human condition are met as we seek to partner with and equip the poor to rise above poverty and find healing.
Our desire is to equip those endeavors of the Ugandan people that will endure and bring broad change for generations. This means we are in it for the long haul and aren’t here to offer band-aid fixes to deep rooted issues. We love the people we serve, and plan to walk alongside them for as long as it takes.
We desire to work for peace in all spheres of civil and social life. We are about reconciling those who have acted out in violence against each other.
We are not top-down leaders. We are bottom-up equippers. We exist to partner with the people of Uganda and support them by providing the out-of-reach resources they need to heal their country.
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